The GCO is the officer in charge of the garrison. With the help of his officers, he makes sure the garrison runs smoothly. He is also responsible for the rules and that these are followed.
Eric Poirier
GXO - Garrison Executive Officer
The GXO is the garrison’s second in command. He assists the GCO in managing the various activities and rules.
Joel Lecompte
GML - Garrison Membre Liaison
The GML is responsible for costumes. He processes new member applications and makes sure that all the costume standards are respected.
Annie Brassard
GML - Garrison Membre Liaison
The GML is responsible for costumes. He processes new member applications and makes sure that all the costume standards are respected.
Jp Rivard
GWL - Garrison Web Liaison
The GWL is responsible for the garrison’s infographics. He also manages member pictures and the visual aspects of the garrison.
Benoit Cabana
GWL - Garrison Web Liaison
The GWL is responsible for the garrison’s infographics. He also manages member pictures and the visual aspects of the garrison.
Benoit Cabana
GPRO - Garrison Public Relation Officer
The GPRO is in charge of public relations. He maintains the garrison’s image with the public during events and with the media.
Eric Poirier
GPRO - Garrison Public Relation Officer
The GPRO is in charge of public relations. He maintains the garrison’s image with the public during events and with the media.
Marc-elie Guay
GEC - Garrison Event Coordinator
The GEC is in charge of events. He coordinates activities and makes sure they run smoothly.
Eric Simard
GEC - Garrison Event Coordinator
The GEC is in charge of events. He coordinates activities and makes sure they run smoothly.
Dominic Morin
GEC - Garrison Event Coordinator
The GEC is in charge of events. He coordinates activities and makes sure they run smoothly.
Yannick Voyer
GWM - Garrison Webmaster
The GMW is the officer in charge he garrison’s website. He does design and maintenance work the website and forums.
Frederic Fortin
GCR - Garrison Charity Representative
The GCR is the garrison’s liaison with the charities that we deal with. He makes sure that they are represented during our activities.
Bryan Beaulieu
GMB - Garrison Merchandise and Branding
The GMB is in charge of promotional materials. He manages the merchandising aspect of the garrison with the Legion.
GMB - Garrison Merchandise and Branding
The GMB is in charge of promotional materials. He manages the merchandising aspect of the garrison with the Legion.
Daisy Gagn
GQM - Garrison Quartermaster
The GQM is responsible of the garrison's treasury. He/she makes detailed expenses reports and ensure that everything conforms to the rules.